Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am finally putting up a blog post! The perfectionist in me was stalling because I wanted my blog to look nice, but I never had time to figure out how to make it so. But something up is better than nothing, so today I am starting my blog. (Many thanks to a dear friend in Connecticut for the blog name!)

We had an enjoyable drive to Indy, where we crammed in as many visits with family and friends as we could, and then drove to Colorado with Ben's parents. Ben's parents stayed for a week and half to help us unpack and settle in. It was wonderful having them here and I don't want to imagine how much harder it would have been without them!


Our first glimpse of the Rocky Mountains.

We are renting a house here in Louisville, a small town east of Boulder. One of the many advantages of living in a house over an apartment is not having to worry about bothering neighbors when Henry marches/runs/jumps/throws balls across the living room floor. Or when Violet cries. It is great! There is also a garage where we can work on projects, like staining Henry's old Ikea crib for Violet's new room. We have a huge yard, with the back part fenced in, for the kids to play in. That also means lots of raking and mowing and general yard work, though I'm looking forward to the spring to see what veggies I can get to grow here in Colorado.

Some pictures from our move to Colorado and of our family are below. House pictures will be coming soon once we unpack all our boxes! (I have some accountability now that I've told everyone. Feel free to harass me if I don't post soon!). And Ben has photo-documented his bus ride to work! So please come back!

(Adding pictures was harder than I thought. I will make these larger later!)

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