Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Violet had her 2-month well baby visit today. She weighed in at 11 lbs 9 oz and was 23 ¼ inches long, putting her at the 66% percentile for weight and 80% for height. Yay! Now I can finally stop worrying about her gaining weight.

Violet also received her two month immunizations today. Henry was a stoic baby when it came to getting shots or his blood drawn. He'd cry for a second or two, but a few minutes later he was all smiles. Violet, on the other hand, is very... expressive. She screamed and yelled during the shots, and then cried through the rest of the appointment and all the way out to the car. Passing strangers would look at her and say “OH, she's mad!” And she WAS mad. I don't think the shots hurt her so much as offended her. But all was forgiven after a nice nap and feeding.

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