Sunday, December 19, 2010

C is for conifers, my kind of trees.

Here is our beautiful Christmas tree! We’ve had a variety of artificial trees in the past (four to be exact--we had to keep buying smaller and smaller trees to fit in our tiny apartment as our family grew). I’ve always dreaded putting them up because the assembly is so time-consuming, and the branches are pokey and the needles abrasive. We ended up leaving the trees in Connecticut because our PODS was packed full. So this year, for the first time, we have a lovely, fresh-cut Christmas tree. Assembly was a cinch and it has a wonderful piney fragrance that spreads throughout the house. It’s like having a giant Yankee Christmas candle (which is nice, because I lost my candles somewhere during the move).

We’ve been busy preparing for the holidays and our trip home to Indianapolis. And slowly organizing the house and making it feel like home. Only a few more boxes left to unpack! Emptying them will be first on my list of New Year’s resolutions.

Henry-made Christmas cards. They will go out by Christmas!

Go Colts!

GO Colts!


  1. Oooh - I love your tree!!! We adore our fresh tree too. Those cards look fabulous, Henry. The family photo is so happy and Violet is so big already - but it's missing Jill! :) Your house looks so pretty and spacious. Have you used the wood stove?! I love the smell of wood stoves on a winter night. Miss you all so much.

  2. Great pictures! I didnt know you guys had a blog! I will be adding you to mine! : ) By the way this is Angie (Jeffs wife)
