Friday, July 22, 2011

Violet E.

My nickname for Violet is Violet E. (for Violet Eleanor).  I've tried calling her Vi, which is cute and much shorter, but every time I call her it comes out as Violet E.  Anyway, here are some pictures of my sweet Violet E, with bonus points to whoever can guess what's causing the face in the last photo.


  1. That's funny; we never call our Violet anything shorter or nickname-y either. She is SUCH a cutie!

  2. Cute! I've heard you call her that before, but always just thought it was "Violety". Cute nickname, though! And, I love Eleanor for a middle name. So pretty.

    Also, I think that face was caused by her delicious leaf being taken away -- you mean momma! Hee hee. Am I right? Am I? :D

    P.S. Ava has that same pink shirt!

  3. hahaha! I love that face! And I cheated and saw what she was screaming at elsewhere, so I won't take a guess here. :)

    LOVE the updates!!!

  4. Haha! -- I saw why she was really making that face. How funny!!

  5. So from talking to everyone, it seems like the consensus is that I'm a mean mommy who takes fun things away from my baby! Although Henry thought that she was making that face at him :)

    It was actually the garbage truck that she was trying to scare away.
